Digital Payments

Release Notes

The latest updates about our Digital Payments releases will be published on this page.

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What's new in Digital Payments

Version numbers: The version numbers used in headers on this page refers to the version of this very documentation, not to a version of any APIs described by it.

6 February 2025

Version 5.3.4

A handful of small, but significant changes in the first update of 2025.

First of all, the Android and iOS SDKs have been promoted to supported status!

As the number of migration guides is going up, we have gathered them on a start page for accessability. In addition to the already existing “v2 to v3.1” and “Seamless View to Redirect” guides, a guide for going from Payment Methods v1 to Digital Payments v3.1 is now available.

New IP addresses for callbacks have been added in the callback section. They will be going live March 12th, so make sure you whitelist them as soon as possible.

While setting up a test account is free, making the switch to a production account isn’t, and it will generate a support fee for merchants who do this. Information about this has been added to the Test Account Setup section.

The payment method section under Availability has been used for information about necessary steps to make certain payment methods available, but we are beefing it up by giving a general presentation of the different methods we offer.

As usual, a handful of bug fixes and feedback requests have been remedied too!

09 December 2024

Version 5.3.3

From all of us, to all of you, the last release of the year!

We have updated the iOS and Android SDK documentation to include handling of web based payment methods in payment sessions. A small clean-up of the introduction is also in place.

An explanation of the payment UI’s browser and OS limitations has been added under Availability.

As a continuation of Release 5.3.2’s migration guide for merchants who want to go from Seamless View to Redirect, we give some recommendations regarding monitoring of the script URL for those who wish to continue with Seamless View. You can find the information in both the regular Seamless View integration and the “Change UI option” guide. It is also available in older implementation where it is relevant.

A new operation called abort-paymentattempt has been added to 3.x versions. As the name implies, it is meant for instances where the merchant wants to abort the payment attempt, and not the payment order as a whole. Read more about it in the Abort section of the payment options category in Digital Payments’ Features.

24 October 2024

Version 5.3.2

Stricter PCI-CSS requirements are coming in the spring of 2025, and they could affect merchants using our Seamless View integration. We have addressed these changes and written a guide for transferring from Seamless View to the Redirect integration.

Not on our newest implementantion yet? There are guides for Payment Menu v2 and card in Payment Methods v1 available too. Information about Checkout v2 can be found here.

Version 5.0.0 of our Mobile SDK is also going live. The new additions are native payment features and a new automatic configuration feature introduced by the Session URL, making setup and usage simpler and quicker.

In that occasion, a new operation called view-paymentsession can be found in the payment order response, and is only meant to be used when merchants are starting up the new SDK.

We have done some changes to the magic amounts for testing Monthly Limits Exceeded. It has been merged with the amount for Daily Limits Exceeded for easier testing, and they now share 952100.

Additions to the code examples for Excessive Reattempts are live too. Both Suspension Warning and Modifications Required now have nodes for Problems. Suspension Warning also has a small change in the type field.

29 August 2024

Version 5.3.1

We are closing of August with a mellow, small release after being gone for summer, before gearing up for fall.

The Features restructuring continues with Core Features being renamed to Payment Operations, and moving Corporate Payment Menu to Customize the Payment UI.

We have added the recurring and one-click use cases to the sidebar for easier access.

As a part of our project to have error messages with better human readable information, the Excessive Reattempts responses for Modifications Required and Suspension Warning got a facelift. The type and title field has been changed to authenticationrequired, and the problems node has been replaced by a modification and suspension node respectively, filled with information directly from POS.

The magic amount for triggering the modifications required error has been changed to 952507.

We have also added info about a newly implemented MasterCard reattempt rule. In addition to a PAN being blocked after 10 attempts in 24 hours, there is also a limit of 35 failed attempts in 30 days.

18 June 2024

Version 5.3.0

Our last release before the summer break is here, and we have quite the list of changes for you.

We have started restructuring the feature section to make it easier to navigate. A handful of new sections have been added, named Balancing The Books, Customize Payments and Customize The UI. Worried about your bookmarks? We’ve got you covered!

New error messages for invoice and installment account payments went live just now, and we have them at a plate for you. Just follow the respective links.

In all feature sections, the relevant field(s) have been moved to the top of of the code example.

Auto-expand first payment method has gotten it’s own section.

Status and Status Response Models have been merged to one section.

We have added a new IP-address for callbacks.

Last but not least, we have done the regular batch of fixing typos and small bugs, and if you wonder where the payment instruments have gone? The have been renamed to payment methods. Still all there, just a familiar name.

From all of us, to all of you: Have a great summer!

08 May 2024

Version 5.2.0

The keen eye might spot the new term v3.x in Get Started and some of our code examples. We are using it as an umbrella term whenever we talk about all iterations of v3. Instances where we talk about a specific one are still tagged with the version in question.

We are also going live with an optional feature called Action Specific Text On Payment Button. It is meant for scenarios where you need the payment button to say something else than “Pay”. The alternative is currently limited to “Deposit”, but other can be added going forward.

Besides that we have been doing some small bugfixes and general maintenance.

Until next time!

18 March 2024

Version 5.1.0

Re-working of the Modules & SDKs section is the star of this release. Intrigued? Start off with the bare minimum implementation!

Aside from that, this has been a maintenance release, but the release notes you are reading right now received a facelift. We have also added more information about the final steps before you go live!

21 March 2024

Version 5.0.0

We strive to make the implementation process as easy as possible, and in that regard, a Get Started section has been introduced. This now includes the basic requests and responses, how to display the UI, post-purchase options and other useful information when doing a basic integration. The newest addition is an explanation on how to validate the status of the payment.

A new feature for those of you who want to customize the order of your payment menu has also seen the light of day, together with the possibility to expand the top payment method. They can be used independently, but work great together.

We also did a handful of bug fixes and corrections to improve usability and readability.

26 February 2024

Version 4.8.0

A handful of changes in the pipeline this time around, with the biggest being the introduction of better error codes for excessive re-attempts. Read all about the error codes and how to test them here.

Are you in the market for One-Click payments? We have a new use case written about that. Give it a read!

Due to new directives from card companies regarding frictionless payments, we have re-introduced name fields in the payer object. Go see the fields you should include now.

We have also added the possibility to display a consent box for saving payment details. When displayed by you and checked by the payer, we have also added a new field in the paid response, confirming that a token has been created.

Big changes are coming up next time. Stay tuned!

6 February 2024

Version 4.7.0

We spent some time building up steam after new years, but we have lots of treats lined up.

Are you looking to get started with recurring payments, but not really sure where to start? We have compiled everything you need in a use case, and walk you through it all.

Or are you maybe looking to upgrade to our newest Digital Payments version? See how easy it is in our migration guide.

A new errorType goes live any day now, so a preview in the developer portal seems fitting. The aim is to give you clearer feedback when a token has become inactive. Read more about it in the problems section.

We have also made improvements to the domain verification steps of our Apple Pay documentation.

The Resources are being split up. We have moved the test-data and release notes up a level for convenience. Development guidelines are moved to Modules & SDKs if you need them. The partners are now on our front page and Data Protection can be found in Checkout v2.

In addition to the usual handful of improvements and bug fixes, of course.

Until next time!

19 December 2023

Version 4.6.1

The last release of 2023 is finding its way down the chimney, and is mainly consisting of maintenance and small fixes.

There is however, one quite important update among the small ones. We have added a test data section for Network Tokenization, with both test cards and useful information. Head to the Network Tokenization feature section if you want to learn more about what it is.

From all of us, to all of you: Merry Christmas!

7 November 2023

Version 4.6.0

Today, we go live with Payment Order v3.1, which has some changes in the request, the post-purchase operations and the callback. We have also added a new resource model called failedPostPurchaseAttempts. Go check it out!

There is a new section regarding Trustly in Digital Payments, with important information regarding overlay and Trustly Express.

There is also a new Vipps field for fees in the failedAttempts resource model.

28 September 2023

Version 4.5.0

If you are reading these notes, you have probably noticed some changes already! As the Payment Terminals section is growing bigger, we have moved most of the Digital Payments related content away from the front page. The release notes can now be found where you are reading this, and the resources at the bottom of the front page will follow suit shortly.

The biggest news is the arrival of the Swedbank Pay Playground, where you can experience our payment solutions both as a payer and – since we give you access to the toolbox – a merchant. Play around with amounts, different UI setups (full menu, a selection or a single payment method) and styling. It is also a great opportunity to see the upcoming accessibility compliant UI. Read more about accessibility changes here. With that in mind, we have also written a section regarding custom styling of your payment UI.

If you are looking for Cross Channel Payments and can’t find it, that is because we have renamed it Integrated Commerce.

31 August 2023

Version 4.4.0

The wheels are picking up traction going into the autumn. Our first release after getting back is mostly maintenance and small fixes, but an important new addition is a section on Network Tokenization, which is a fantastic way of processing cards. Get to know it, and put it to use!

We have also adjusted our search results somewhat. Now we only display results from the sections Digital Payments and Payment Terminals. We hope it gives you an easier time finding the right result in the correct section.

Big things are coming up around the bend. Stay tuned!

6 July 2023

Version 4.3.3

We had time for one more before we clock out for summer, so we added a PATCH example to our payout feature section. Go check it out if you are on your way to implementing it.

Have a great summer!

26 June 2023

Version 4.3.2

A small batch of changes which barely missed the last deadline. We’ve done a few correction and some major changes, most notably the renaming of Checkout v3 to Digital Payments and Pax Terminal to Payment Terminal. The changes are in name only, the structure stays the same.

We have also added information regarding the Eligibility Check, and the availability of invoice for Swedish merchants, where the payment method integrations have been removed. You have to go through an implementation using payment order to offer this in Sweden.

19 June 2023

Version 4.3.0

You spoke, we listened! We have worked a lot on making the portal easier to navigate. The main menu has been slimmed down, where we have removed the Introduction (but you can still read the main points under fundamental principles). If you are looking for the Modules & SDK]modules-sdks section, it has found a new home under Digital Payments.

Speaking of Digital Payments, we’ve cleaned that up as well, and hope it will make things easier for you. The payment request example now contains what you need to create a payment order. Adding more to it is up to you and the features section. The common implementations steps have been merged to avoid duplicate information, only sending you separate places when it’s time to display the ui.

A new terminal section has been added. Exciting things are coming, so we will make sure it grows and develops going forward.

Other highlights and important changes include:

Plus the usual handful of bug fixes and smaller changes.

24 April 2023

Version 4.2.0

The keen observer might spot some changes in our menu. The Checkout v2, Payment Menu and Payment Methods have been moved to Old Implementations. You can still find everything you want and need, so no need to worry. A new .NET SDK section has also been added, in addition to the usual bugs and small fixes.

10 March 2023

Version 4.1.0

A lot of changes are happening these days. We’ve made the decision to focus the Digital Payments offering, so our Starter and Business implementations are no more. This means that we can do what we do best: giving you a payment experience packed with options. The Payments Only implementation is still here, and for those of you with a Strong Consumer Authentication who want access to our safely stored card data, Enterprise is still available too.

3 March 2023

Version 4.0.0

We promised you something big, and here it is. Click to Pay and Google Pay™ have been added to our arsenal of payment methods. Click on your payment method of choice to see what is needed for you to activate in your integration. We have also added information on how to activate Apple Pay, which we recommend reading up on.

As you’ve probably already seen, our new sidebar is finally live too! We have given it a facelift and different levels which we hope make it easier for you to navigate. All the content is where it used to be. Check it out (and let us know what you think)! You might also wonder where the tables following our code examples have gone. We have made them expandable, and given them a facelift as well.

We have also added 3DS2 test data, along with smaller maintenance tasks and bug fixes.

31 January 2023

Version 3.1.8

Bigger things are coming up around the bend, so we are stopping by with some smaller fixes and a Digital Payments matrix giving you a better overview over which payment methods v3 has to offer, and the countries they are available.

We’ll be back soon!

17 January 2023

Version 3.1.7

We kick off the new year with a new field in our payment order request. Your Digital Payments implementation of choice is now added in the request. Version 2 of the balance report and transaction list is our second newcomer this release. Head over to Settlement & Reconciliation to learn more.

We have added a paid status model to Checkout v2 and Payment Menu v2, and the update payment order section is added to Digital Payments.

15 December 2022

Version 3.1.6

Our last update in 2022 mainly consists of clean-ups and fixes, but the most important changes are bin and msidn fields added (where they are relevant) to Paid resource model and Paid status model, plus a small rework of Age restrictions.

Happy holidays, everyone! We look forward to seeing you in 2023!

29 November 2022

Version 3.1.5

Our penultimate release of the year has a few things up its sleeve. The most exciting being the new capabilities Integrated Commerce, Automated Fuel Dispenser Payments, SSN and Age restrictions. We’ve also added some new fields in the Paid and Cancelled models, a new Payer resource model. Please note the organization number added to the essential information for Checkout v3 set ups. Apart from that, there are no releases without typo corrections and bug fixes.

20 September 2022

Version 3.1.3

Another small one. We’ve added Digital Payments paid responses for all methods in both status and resource-models, finished up the headers which was missing, added MobilePay to Request Delivery Information and done away with some more bugs and typos.

2 September 2022

Version 3.1.2

We have been picking up steam since our summer break, hitting full throttle as September arrived. A smaller release this time around, but there are some important additions nonetheless. We have added a siteID field to Digital Payments implementations, re-worked nearly all headers across the portal to make navigation easier, added a section on deleting payment tokens, along with the usual batch of assorted bug fixes and typos.

1 July 2022

Version 3.1.1

A release filled with leftovers before we clock out for summer. Mostly small fixes in code examples and tables, but the most important additions are the new fields added in the paid resource model. Have a great summer!

22 June 2022

Version 3.1.0

Summer has finally arrived, and we have quite a treat waiting in our final release before the vacation pulse kicks in. Without further ado: We now proudly offer Apple Pay! It is available in all our Digital Payments implementations and integrations. There are a couple of other new additions as well:

  • Our SDKs have been updated to support Digital Payments
  • You can now request delivery information for selected payment methods
  • An eligibility check eligibility check for wallets has been added to instrument mode
  • Fixed typos, minor bugs and code examples
4 April 2022

Version 3.0.3

  • Added a new card error code and restructured the tables.
  • Fleshed out the Unscheduled Purchase section.
  • Fleshed out the Recur section.
  • Moved the callback section to Payment Operations.
  • Typos and minor bug fixes in code examples and tables.
16 March 2022

Version 3.0.2

24 February 2022

Version 3.0.1

  • Added descriptive card icons
  • Added Payer Aware Payment Menu
  • Added new screenshots for Digital Payments implementations
  • Rewrote instrument mode section
  • Reorganized features in the sidebar
  • Fixed internal links
18 February 2022

Version 3.0.0

It’s been a minute, but the day is finally here. We can proudly present Checkout version 3.0! The same range of payment methods, checkin options and features as always, but since different merchants have different needs, we’ve made it easier for you to get the checkout experience which fits you best. So, what’s new?

  • Two Checkout implementations tailor-made for different needs and wishes: Enterprise or Payments Only. We’ve summed them up to help you find the right fit and get started.
  • Each implementation starts off with a guide to set up your test account quickly.
  • Want to see the new implementations in action? Head over to the demoshop.
  • The Seamless View events have been re-worked to make the integration smoother for you.
  • Renamed and gathered the Post-Purchase options on one page. The rest of the features are still where they used to be.
  • We’ve given the front page a touch up, and given the new sections a slightly different look to distinguish them.
  • Already up on Checkout version 2.0? No worries. All the documentation is still available in the sidebar and here.
15 October 2021

Version 2.2.3

3 August 2021

Version 2.2.2

19 May 2021

Version 2.2.1

30 April 2021

Version 2.2.0

28 January 2021

Version 2.1.2

  • Updated Theme version to 1.9.9
  • Updated Design Guide Version to 5.0.1
26 January 2021

Version 2.1.0

  • Updated theme with visual fixes
  • Search icon is now clickable
  • Various bug fixes
  • Various corrections and typo fixes
  • Re-worded split settlement
  • Clarified that callback is a fail-safe
  • Updated tables and code examples with payerReference in various places, like card purchase
  • Updated Mobile SDK configurations for both iOS and Android to include integration with custom backends
  • Updated GitHub references for Mobile SDK
  • Re-wrote Prices section
1 December 2020

Version 2.0.2

  • Various bug fixes
  • Various corrections and typo fixes
  • Corrected information about 3D-Secure
  • Added paragraphs about different consumer flows in Checkin
  • Added link to gift card on the front page
12 November 2020

Version 2.0.1

11 November 2020

Version 2.0.0

Launched new developer portal theme:

  • New design
  • New menu structure
  • Reading time

Other changes:

4 September 2020

Version 1.13.3

28 August 2020

Version 1.13.2

21 August 2020

Version 1.13.1

17 July 2020

Version 1.13.0

10 July 2020

Version 1.12.1

  • Corrected the documentation by removing generatePaymentToken and paymentToken from Checkout.
07 July 2020

Version 1.12.0

  • Added information on 3-D Secure 2 for Checkout and Card Payments.
  • Updated reconciliation files in Settlement & Reconciliation.
  • Added test card for Forbrugsforeningen in Test data.
  • Documented paid, failed and aborted across all resources.
  • Added additional information on payerReference, generateRecurrenceToken, paymentToken, generatePaymentToken, recurrenceToken and instrument for the paymentorder resource in Checkout.
  • Corrected and updated view- operations for all resources.
  • Updated Seamless View Events for all resources.
  • Described nonPaymentToken and externalNonPaymentToken in Card Payments.
  • Small corrections to Swish Payments documentation.
  • Clarified the updateOrder documentation.
4 June 2020

Version 1.11.1

29 May 2020

Version 1.11.0

22 May 2020

Version 1.10.1

14 May 2020

Version 1.10.0

7 May 2020

Version 1.9.2

Version 1.9.1

  • Corrected sequence diagrams in Swish Payments and Vipps Payments.
  • The description field is now more thoroughly described for all requests it’s present in.
  • The language field is now better described for all requests it’s present in.
  • All broken links should now be unbroken.
22 April 2020

Version 1.9.0

15 April 2020

Version 1.8.3

Version 1.8.2

31 March 2020

Version 1.8.1

  • Documented allowed characters in orderItem.class.
  • Added receiptReference in Invoice Payments and Payment Order in capture and reversal.
  • Callback is now moved to Other features in all payment methods.
  • Clean up of MobilePay.
  • Corrected the address of Leia Ahlström in Test Data.
  • Updated the documentation in Card Payments to recommend using shippingAddress.
  • Updated payeeReference to have an unique description for Payment Order and every Payment Method.
18 March 2020

Version 1.8.0

Version 1.7.7

This change contains build updates for the page. :octocat:

04 March 2020

Version 1.7.6

  • Several links has been corrected. The chance of 404 is now much lower.
  • Other small text changes and clarifications.
03 March 2020

Version 1.7.5

  • New page! Technical reference into has been moved from the front page to technical information.
  • Front page got a slimmer look. :swimmer:
  • Abort reference is back in credit card reference.
  • Swish error code reference got a face lift, check it out here :candy:.

Version 1.7.4

27 February 2020

Version 1.7.3

  • Expanded information about the field restrictedToInstruments.
  • Added information about the field receiptReference.
  • Added and fixed several missing headings in template files.
  • Expanded information about verify.
  • Created new page for Checkout Capture.
  • Mobile Pay Online was previously only referred to as Mobile Pay, this has been corrected.
7 February 2020

Version 1.7.2

6 February 2020

Version 1.7.1

All sections have been released. :trophy:

Version 1.7.0

  • README is updated with info about includes.
  • Added several includes.
  • Updated payeeReference description in Checkout and Invoice section.
  • Using snake case consistently.
  • Added section for unscheduled purchase in Card section.
  • Fixed JavaScript example in Checkin section.
  • Added info about mobile verification in Swish Other Features.
  • Added section about Authenticated Merchants in Checkout section.
  • Cleanup in Vipps Other Features.
  • paymentRestrictedToAgeLimit and paymentRestrictedToSocialSecurityNumber added to swish object in Swish Redirect. paymentAgeLimit , socialSecurityNumber added to the new payerInfo object in Swish Seamless View. Properties added in Swish.
  • Added section about migration key in Resources section.
29 January 2020

Version 1.6.3

  • restrictedToInstruments added back to Payment Order purchase requests.
  • Direct Debit section and mentions in various includes removed.
  • Various improvements and fixes.

Version 1.6.2

Version 1.6.1

27 January 2020

Version 1.6.0

  • The Swish Payments and Vipps Payments have received a few updates and are now ready for another round of review.
  • MobilePay Online Payments is now ready for review.
  • paymentAgeLimit is now added in Swish Payments.
  • The Terminology page is updated and 3-D Secure 2.0 (3DS2) , PSD2 and SCA explanations are added.
  • Added descriptions for Payment States And Transaction States everywhere appropriate.
  • Google Analytics has been added to Developer Portal.
16 January 2020

Version 1.5

9 January 2020

Version 1.4

22 December 2019

Update in checkin module

We have added support for specifying language as input in checkin module, language. Supported languages are Norwegian, Swedish and English. Consumers outside Sweden and Norway can now purchase in our Checkout service. You can specify supported countries for shipment in a new input parameter, shippingAddressRestrictedToCountryCodes, in our checkin module. Updated API specification can be found here. The parameters language and shippingAddressRestrictedToCountryCodes have replaced the former consumerCountryCode.

The parameters msisdn and email have been made obsolete due to GDPR rules. This information cannot be sent in without the explicit consent of the payer.

1 November 2019

Welcome, Swedbank Pay Developer Portal

PayEx’ Commerce offerings are being rebranded to Swedbank Pay and as a result of that rebranding, PayEx Checkout is now known as Swedbank Pay Checkout and its documentation can be found here.

Support international phone numbers in Swish

We have added support for sending in international phone numbers in the request. Check our Swish documentation here. This is supported in API, and when payer’s enter their phone number on the payment page.

Order Items

The input parameter quantity in the orderItems field is now updated to decimal. You may send up to 4 decimals. See updated documentation here

1 October 2019

Payment Url Credit Card

We have added the URL field called paymentUrl for Card Seamless View (previously added for Vipps and Checkout), that will be used when the user is returned from 3rd party. The URL should represent the page in where the payment Seamless View was hosted originally, such as the checkout page, shopping cart page, or similar. Basically, paymentUrl should be set to the same URL as that of the page where the JavaScript for the hosted payment view was added, in order to initiate the payment. Please note that the paymentUrl must be able to invoke the same JavaScript URL from the same Payment as the one that initiated the payment originally, so it should include some sort of state identifier in the URL. The state identifier is the ID of the order, shopping cart or similar that has the URL of the Payment stored. When the JavaScript is invoked after return of the payer, they will either be redirected to the completeUrl (event onPaymentCompleted) or if payment has failed, see an error-message and get the option to retry the payment.

1 August 2019

Order Items in payment orders

On Payment Orders, itemDescriptions and vatSummary has been replaced with the more versatile and powerful orderItems. While itemDescriptions will continue to work, it is recommended that all integrations switch over to orderItems as soon as possible. When orderItems is used, itemDescriptions must be removed from all requests as the two cannot be used simultaneously.

Payment Url

For our Seamless Views (currently Vipps or in Checkout), we have added a new URL field called paymentUrl that will be used when user is returned from 3rd party. The URL should represent the page of where the payment seamless view was hosted originally, such as the checkout page, shopping cart page, or similar. Basically, paymentUrl should be set to the same URL as that of the page where the JavaScript for the hosted payment view was added to in order to initiate the payment. Please note that the paymentUrl must be able to invoke the same JavaScript URL from the same Payment or Payment Order as the one that initiated the payment originally, so it should include some sort of state identifier in the URL. The state identifier is the ID of the order, shopping cart or similar that has the URL of the Payment or Payment Order stored. When the JavaScript is invoked after return of the payer, they will either be redirected to the completeUrl, or, if payment failed, see an error message and get the option to retry the payment.

If paymentUrl is not implemented, retry of payments will not be possible in either individual payment methods such as Vipps or in Checkout. It makes it more tedious to retry payment as the whole process including the creation of the payment or payment order needs to be performed again. With paymentUrl in place, the retry process becomes much more convenient for both the integration and the payer.