Modules & SDKs


We have multiple Open Source-based SDKs and Modules to use with Swedbank Pay APIs.

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Swedbank Pay offers SDKs, libraries, modules, extensions and plugins as different ways to integrate and use our products and services. Platform specific packaging that handles a lot of the logic towards our REST API, so you don’t have to.

Official Modules

Modules, extensions and plugins are typically used as a way to extend webshop platforms such as WooCommerce with functionality that isn’t provided in the core platform. Such functionality may be to allow visitors of your website to pay with a payment provider such as Swedbank Pay.

Platform Module Repository
WooCommerce Swedbank Pay Payment Menu for WooCommerce …woocommerce-checkout

Official SDKs

Software Development Kits allow developers to integrate with Swedbank Pay’s APIs without having to write a lot of low-level code dealing with HTTP, status codes, problem messages, parsing, serializaiton, etc. Developers can use their language of choice and write against a set of typed objects native to their programming language and environment.

SDKs are often used as a building block to construct a Module.

The Android and iOS SDKs are our currently supported SDKs. They both run using our session API, and enable merchants to integrate their own design or UI into our SDK payments.

Platform SDK Repository
Android Swedbank Pay SDK for Android …sdk-android
iOS Swedbank Pay SDK for iOS …sdk-ios

Unofficial SDKs


Unsupported: These SDKs are at an early stage of development and are not supported as of yet by Swedbank Pay. They are provided as a convenience to speed up your development, so please feel free to play around. However, if you need support, please wait for a future, stable release.

Platform SDK Repository
.NET Swedbank Pay SDK for .NET …sdk-dotnet
PHP Swedbank Pay SDK for PHP …sdk-php

Official Libraries

Software libraries are bundles of code often used by an SDK or in a Module to solve one or a set of specific problems.

Unofficial Libraries


Unsupported: These libraries are at an early stage of development and are not supported as of yet by Swedbank Pay. They are provided as a convenience to speed up your development, so please feel free to play around. However, if you need support, please wait for a future, stable release.

Platform Library Repository
WooCommerce Swedbank Pay Core plugin for WooCommerce …woocommerce-core
.NET Swedbank Pay SDK Extensions for .NET …sdk-dotnet