Digital Payments

Restricted To SSN

Restricting payments to a specific Social Security Number (SSN)

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Restrict Payments To A Social Security Number

Swedbank Pay provides the possibility to restrict payments to a Social Security Number when the payment methods support this. This can be used when you want to make sure you only accept payments from an already identified individual.

You do this by adding the field restrictedToSocialSecurityNumber in the payer field, in your payment order request, and setting it to true. This will leave out all payment methods which do not support this feature.

It will then use the socialSecurityNumber located in the nationalIdentifier field (found within the payer field). The nationalIdentifier must be included to use this feature. Payment methods supporting the feature will reject payments that do not match the restriction.

You are currently only able to restrict Swish and Trustly payments to a Social Security Number, but we will add support for more payment methods going forward. No changes are required at your (the merchant’s) end to be able to offer more payment methods at a later time.

Restrict To Social Security Number Request

The field itself is a bool which must be added in the payer field of the request. Below is a shortened example of a payment order request. Apart from the new field, the payment request is similar to a standard payment order request. For an example of a payment order request,
The response will be similar to a standard payment order response, which is also documented on the page linked above.


POST /psp/paymentorders HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>
Content-Type: application/json;version=3.x/2.0      // Version optional for 3.0 and 2.0
    "paymentorder": {
    "payer": {
            "digitalProducts": false,
            "nationalIdentifier": {
                "socialSecurityNumber": "199710202392",
                "countryCode": "SE",
                "guestMode": true
            "restrictedToSocialSecurityNumber": true,
            "firstName": "Leia",
            "lastName": "Ahlström",
            "email": "",
            "msisdn": "+46787654321",
            "payerReference": "AB1234"
Required Field Type Description
  payer object The payer object containing information about the payer relevant for the payment order.
  digitalProducts bool Set to true for merchants who only sell digital goods and only require email and/or msisdn as shipping details. Set to false if the merchant also sells physical goods.
  restrictedToSocialSecurityNumber bool Set to true if you want to restrict your payment to a Social Security Number.
check firstName string The first name of the payer.
check lastName string The last name of the payer.
  email string The e-mail address of the payer. Will be used to prefill the Checkin as well as on the payer’s profile, if not already set. Increases the chance for frictionless 3-D Secure 2 flow .
  msisdn string The mobile phone number of the Payer. Will be prefilled on Checkin page and used on the payer’s profile, if not already set. The mobile number must have a country code prefix and be 8 to 15 digits in length. The field is related to 3-D Secure 2 .
  payerReference string A reference used in Enterprise integrations to recognize the payer in the absence of SSN and/or a secure login. Read more about this in the payerReference feature section.