
Update Payment Order

Updating the payment order

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Update Payment Order


If a payment is attempted, failed or currently being processed, you will not be able to update the orderItems for the payment order. Should you need to update the orderItems, you will have to abort the payment order and create a new order with the updated orderItems.

The UpdateOrder operation is used when there is a change in the amount, vat amount or there are added or removed order items in the payment order. This feature is available in Seamless View only.


If you implement UpdateOrder you need to refresh() the Payment Menu frontend after you have called the UpdateOrder API from the backend.

In case the shopping cart is changed in another browser tab, that should also lead to an UpdateOrder. On window.onfocus in the tab that had Payment Menu initialized, refresh() should be invoked so the correct amount is authorized.

If the page is refreshed by a full page reload, refresh() is not necessary.

The response given when changing a payment order is equivalent to a GET request towards the paymentorders resource. Even though the fields are the same, the UpdateOrder request will overwrite the fields that were sent in the initial Purchase request.


PATCH /psp/paymentorders/09ccd29a-7c4f-4752-9396-12100cbfecce HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <AccessToken>
Content-Type: application/json;version=3.x/2.0      // Version optional for 3.0 and 2.0
    "paymentorder": {
        "operation": "UpdateOrder",
        "amount": 1500,
        "vatAmount": 375,
        "orderItems": [
                "reference": "P1",
                "name": "Product1",
                "type": "PRODUCT",
                "class": "ProductGroup1",
                "itemUrl": "https://example.com/shop/products/1234",
                "imageUrl": "https://example.com/products/product1.jpg",
                "description": "Product description",
                "discountDescription": "Volume discount",
                "quantity": 351.3514,
                "quantityUnit": "pcs",
                "unitPrice": 300,
                "discountPrice": 200,
                "vatPercent": 2500,
                "amount": 1000,
                "vatAmount": 250
                "reference": "P2",
                "name": "Product2",
                "type": "PRODUCT",
                "class": "ProductGroup1",
                "description": "Product description",
                "quantity": 9876.1531,
                "quantityUnit": "pcs",
                "unitPrice": 500,
                "vatPercent": 2500,
                "amount": 500,
                "vatAmount": 125
Required Field Type Description
check paymentOrder object The payment order object.
check operation string Determines the initial operation, defining the type of payment order created.
check amount integer The transaction amount (including VAT, if any) entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK.
check vatAmount integer The payment’s VAT (Value Added Tax) amount, entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK. The vatAmount entered will not affect the amount shown on the payment page, which only shows the total amount. This field is used to specify how much of the total amount the VAT will be. Set to 0 (zero) if there is no VAT amount charged.
check description string The description of the payment order.
check orderItems array The array of items being purchased with the order. Note that authorization orderItems will not be printed on invoices, so lines meant for print must be added in the Capture request. The authorization orderItems will, however, be used in the Merchant Portal when captures or reversals are performed, and might be shown other places later. It is required to use this field to be able to send Capture orderItems. Capture requests should only contain items meant to be captured from the order.
check reference string A reference that identifies the order item.
check name string The name of the order item.
check type enum PRODUCT, SERVICE, SHIPPING_FEE, PAYMENT_FEE, DISCOUNT, VALUE_CODE or OTHER. The type of the order item.
check class string The classification of the order item. Can be used for assigning the order item to a specific product category, such as MobilePhone. Note that class cannot contain spaces and must follow the regex pattern [\w-]*. Swedbank Pay may use this field for statistics.
check itemUrl string The URL to a page that can display the purchased item, product or similar.
check imageUrl string The URL to an image of the order item.
check description string The human readable description of the order item.
check discountDescription string The human readable description of the possible discount.
check quantity number The 4 decimal precision quantity of order items being purchased.
check quantityUnit string The unit of the quantity, such as pcs, grams, or similar. This is used for your own book keeping.
check unitPrice integer The price per unit of order item, including VAT.
check discountPrice integer If the order item is purchased at a discounted price. This field should contain that price, including VAT.
check vatPercent integer The percent value of the VAT multiplied by 100, so 25% becomes 2500.
check amount integer The total amount including VAT to be paid for the specified quantity of this order item, in the lowest monetary unit of the currency. E.g. 10000 equals 100.00 NOK and 5000 equals 50.00 NOK.
check vatAmount integer The total amount of VAT to be paid for the specified quantity of this order item, in the lowest monetary unit of the currency. E.g. 10000 equals 100.00 NOK and 5000 equals 50.00 NOK.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8; version=3.x/2.0
api-supported-versions: 3.x/2.0
Field Type Description
payment object The payment object contains information about the specific payment.
id string The relative URL and unique identifier of the payment resource . Please read about URL Usage to understand how this and other URLs should be used in your solution.
number integer The payment number, useful when there’s need to reference the payment in human communication. Not usable for programmatic identification of the payment, where id should be used instead.
created string The ISO-8601 date of when the payment was created.
updated string The ISO-8601 date of when the payment was updated.
state string Ready, Pending, Failed or Aborted. Indicates the state of the payment, not the state of any transactions performed on the payment. To find the state of the payment’s transactions (such as a successful authorization), see the transactions resource or the different specialized type-specific resources such as authorizations or sales.
prices object The prices resource lists the prices related to a specific payment.
id string The relative URL and unique identifier of the prices resource . Please read about URL Usage to understand how this and other URLs should be used in your solution.
amount integer The transaction amount (including VAT, if any) entered in the lowest monetary unit of the selected currency. E.g.: 10000 = 100.00 SEK, 5000 = 50.00 SEK.
remainingCaptureAmount integer The available amount to capture.
remainingCancelAmount integer The available amount to cancel.
remainingReversalAmount integer The available amount to reverse.
description string(40) A 40 character length textual description of the purchase.
userAgent string The user agent of the payer. Should typically be set to the value of the User-Agent header sent by the payer’s web browser.
language string sv-SE, nb-NO, da-DK, en-US or fi-FI.
urls string The URL to the urls resource where all URLs related to the payment can be retrieved.
payeeInfo object The payeeInfo object, containing information about the payee (the recipient of the money). See payeeInfo for details.
payers string The URL to the payer resource where the information about the payer can be retrieved.
operations array The array of operations that are possible to perform on the payment in its current state.
method string The HTTP method to use when performing the operation.
href string The target URL to perform the operation against.
rel string The name of the relation the operation has to the current resource.