Checkout v2

Change UI Option

Walking you through switching from Seamless View to Redirect

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Due to changes in PCI-DSS requirements coming with v4 in March 2025, using Seamless View to display the payment UI will give you, as a merchant, more responsibilities than using our Redirect integration. This is because Seamless View is hosted by you. As the Redirect page is hosted by us, we also handle the responsibilities.

To learn more about how PCI-DSS affects you, we have further reading avaliable in Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish.

If you currently have a Seamless View integration and don’t want the impending responsibilities, switcing to Redirect is normally possible, but the Checkin module used in Checkout v2 is only available using Seamless View. As the Checkin function is sunsetting and will be deprecated during the summer of 2025, we strongly recommend switching to the newest version of Digital Payments and choose the Redirect UI option. We have written a migration guide to help you.