Click on cards to get detailed information play_circle Quick Guide Quick guide to get going from scratch making a transaction arrow_forward settings_suggest Automatically Configure POS for Terminal Easier configuration of POS by picking up the terminal address from the configuration message arrow_forward credit_card_off APM transaction APM - Alternative Payment Method. Let the customer choose a different payment method than card but keep the same flow towards the sale system as for a card payment. arrow_forward credit_card_off APM Refund APM Refund works almost like a card refund. arrow_forward draw Signature Approved Transaction Eventhough we do not allow CVM Signature in Europe, we still have to accept those transactions made with cards from other parts of the world. arrow_forward bookmark_add Make Payment Including Order Number A payment may include an order id that is forwarded to the acquirer host. arrow_forward local_gas_station Fuel Functionality Fuel functionality is about handling cards that has various restrictions. arrow_forward