Core Features pan_tool Abort Aborting a created payment order. arrow_forward low_priority Callback Receive asynchronous, server-to-server updates from Swedbank Pay when transactions are performed on a payment. arrow_forward pan_tool Cancel Canceling the authorization and releasing the funds. arrow_forward 3d_rotation Frictionless Payments Authenticating the cardholder. arrow_forward compare_arrows Capture Capturing the authorized funds arrow_forward keyboard_return Reversal How to reverse a payment. arrow_forward description Settlement & Reconciliation Balancing the books arrow_forward cached Update Payment Order Updating the payment order arrow_forward Optional Features call_to_action Action Specific Text On Payment Button Change the text on your payment button arrow_forward link Corporate Limited Menu Limit the menu to what is supported by corporate payment methods. arrow_forward copyright Custom Logo How to add your own logo arrow_forward palette Custom Styling Styling your payment UI. arrow_forward assignment Delete Token How to delete tokens. arrow_forward discount Fees And Discounts How to add fees and discounts to payment orders. arrow_forward looks_one Instrument Mode The Payment UI with one payment method arrow_forward dns MOTO Card-based home order (Mail Order / Telephone Order) transactions. arrow_forward touch_app One-Click Payments Prefilling the payment details using payment tokens. arrow_forward event Payer Aware Payment Menu A payment menu tailored to the payer. arrow_forward link Payment Link Sending the payment via mail or SMS. arrow_forward cached Recur Setting up subscriptions and recurring payments. arrow_forward cached Transaction On File Submitting subsequent transactions via file. arrow_forward report_problem Unscheduled Purchase Setting up subscriptions and merchant-initiated payments. arrow_forward verified_user Verify Validating the payer’s payment details. arrow_forward Technical Reference link CompleteUrl Where you go when the payment is completed. arrow_forward assignment Description The purchase summed up in a few words. arrow_forward article Items Information about the items field arrow_forward code Metadata Store payment associated data for later use. arrow_forward settings Operations Possible operations for a payment order. arrow_forward article Order Items Information about the order items arrow_forward account_box PayeeInfo Payment specific merchant information. arrow_forward assignment_ind PayeeReference The merchant’s reference for a specific payment. arrow_forward event Payment Menu v2 Events Possible events during Payment Menu v2 payments arrow_forward credit_card Payment Order Creating the payment order arrow_forward credit_card Payment State Different states in the payment process. arrow_forward link PaymentUrl Redirecting the payer back to your site. arrow_forward attach_money Prices The payment’s prices resource. arrow_forward report Problems Information when something goes wrong. arrow_forward send_time_extension Resource Models GET responses for the payment order resources. arrow_forward event Seamless View Events Possible events during Seamless View payments. arrow_forward rule Status Response Models Payment order responses with different payment statuses. arrow_forward done_all Transactions The transactions making up a specific payment. arrow_forward devices User Agent An introduction to user agents arrow_forward