
Settlement & Reconciliation

Balancing the books.

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Settlement And Reconciliation

Reconciliation is an important step in an economic transaction. When a payment is reconciled, captured amounts for the payment are matched against the corresponding settlement.

The information needed to reconcile captured funds - the balance report and transactions list - are available for all merchants using Swedbank Pay.

  • By default, the settlement files will be sent to you by via e-mail.
  • We also have the option to send it via SFTP as well. If this is something you’d like, please inform your sales representative. They will in turn let the setup team know.
  • The settlement frequency is defined in your agreement, but the default is
  • monthly or weekly.
  • You do not need to subscribe, the files will be delivered by default.

Please contact kundsupport@swedbankpay.se for further inquiries regarding this.


There are two main alternatives for settlement - either we handle the settlement process for you, or you handle the process yourself:

If Swedbank Pay Handles The Settlement Process

Swedbank Pay handles the settlement process on your behalf, (called “Redovisningsservice”). Swedbank Pay transfers the net amount to you directly.

When choosing Swedbank Pay Checkout we will always handle the settlement process for you, gathering all your eCommerce payments in one place. Straighforward and time efficient.

You Handle The Settlement Process Yourself

If you will handle the settlement yourself, then Swedbank Pay will send you an invoice with the relevant fees, in addition to the report and transactions lists. Your acquirer will transfer settled funds to you.

Balance Report

The Balance Report (a .pdf file) specifies the total sales for a specific period, including fees and VAT. The report contains three parts: a payment summary and specifications for sales and for fees.

Two versions of the balance report are currently in production, v1 and v2. All new customers are set up with v2, so if you are a new customer or have joined us within the last year, the v2 sections should be your focus. V1 will be phased out during 2023.

The main differences are in the transaction list.

Payment Summary

Provides a summary of the Amount sold, Fees and VAT. If Swedbank Pay handles the settlement process, the Transferred amount shown in the balance report summary is equivalent to the disbursement on the bank statement (the remaining total amount after fees).

Sales Specification

Provides a specification over sales for the given period. The sales total is specified per payment area (CreditCard, Invoice) and underlying payment methods. Each sales row specify Quantity, Sum sales and Amount to pay out, the last one is only eligble if Swedbank Pay handles the Settlement process.

A summary of payments through the last date of the report is also provided.

Fees Specification

Provides a specification of the fees in the given period. The fees total is specified per payment area (CreditCard, Invoice) and underlying payment methods. Each fees row specify Quantity (sales), Amount (sales), Unit price, Provision and fee Amount. If you handle the settlement process yourself, you will receive a separate invoice for fees.

Transaction List

The Transaction List (also called Sales Accounted Transactions) is provided in .xlsx and .xml formats and specifies all transactions for a specific period, including a summary of transactions grouped by payment method. Both formats contain the same information, but the xml file is meant for computer processing, while the excel workbook is meant for human interaction.

The first row contains the name of the Swedbank Pay company (e.g. Swedbank Pay Solutions AB) that the merchant has the contract with, and the balance report number. The header fields contain a summary of the transactions displayed in the body.

As with the Balance Report there are two versions of the Transaction List, and v1 will be phased out during 2023.

V1 Header Fields

Field Type Description
Prefix string The Prefix used for transactions, only eligible if merchant uses prefix.
Currency ISO 4217 Settlement currency (e.g. SEK, NOK, EUR).
ServiceType string The service type of the service used (e.g. Creditcard).
Service string The service used (e.g. Creditcard).
NoOfDebet Decimal Total number of debit transactions for the given service.
NoOfCredit Decimal Total number of credit transactions for the given service.
Amount Decimal Total amount for the given service (e.g 100.00).
FromDate ISO 8601 The earliest transaction date, YYYY-MM-DD.
ToDate ISO 8601 The latest transaction date, YYYY-MM-DD.

V1 Body Fields

Field Type Description
Swedbank Pay Batch Number Decimal A batch number common to all types of transactions processed by Swedbank Pay.
Transaction Number Decimal A unique identifier of the transaction, can be traced in the Merchant Portal user interface.
Order id string A unique identifier of the order, as sent from the merchant to Swedbank Pay. Transactions that are related to the same order are associated with this ID.
Date Created ISO 8601 Transaction capture date/time. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
Date Modified ISO 8601 Transaction settle date/time. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
Provider string The service provider (e.g. Babs, Swedbank).
Type string The service type of the related transaction (e.g. Creditcard).
Amount Decimal Total amount of the related transaction (e.g 100.00).
Currency ISO 4217 Settlement currency (e.g. SEK, NOK, EUR).
Product Number string A product number, as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
Description string A textual description of the transaction, as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
VAT Amount Decimal VAT Amount for the given transaction (e.g 100.00).
VAT Percentage Decimal VAT Percentage for the given transaction.
Credit Card Batch Number Decimal The reference number from the credit card processor.
Reference Decimal The transaction reference from processor.
Swedbank Pay Account Number Decimal The Account number given, shown in the Merchant Portal.
Referenced Transaction Number Decimal Transaction number for the Authoriation transaction for a two-stage transaction or the number of the debit transaction if it is a credit transaction.
Sales Channel string The channel through which the transaction was sent to Swedbank Pay (e.g Transaction via eCommerce APIs).
Brand string If eligible, Branding information as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
Point Of Sale string If eligible, POS information as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.

V2 Header Fields

Field Type Description
Subsite string The Subsite used for transactions, only eligible if merchant uses subsite.
SubsiteDescription string Description of the Subsite, only eligible if merchant uses subsite.
Currency ISO 4217 Settlement currency (e.g. SEK, NOK, EUR).
ServiceType string The service type of the service used (e.g. Creditcard).
ServiceName string The service used (e.g. Corporate Cards EU).
NoOfDebet Decimal Total number of debit transactions for the given service.
NoOfCredit Decimal Total number of credit transactions for the given service.
Amount Decimal Total amount for the given service (e.g 100.00).
FromDate ISO 8601 The earliest transaction date, YYYY-MM-DD.
ToDate ISO 8601 The latest transaction date, YYYY-MM-DD.

V2 Body Fields

Field Type Description
PayExAccountNo Decimal The Account number given, shown the Merchant Portal..
OrderIdentity string A unique identifier of the order, as sent from the merchant to Swedbank Pay. Transactions that are related to the same order are associated with this ID.
TransactionIdentity string A unique guid identifier of the transaction, can be traced in the Merchant Portal user interface.
Amount Decimal Total amount of the related transaction (e.g 100.00).
Currency ISO 4217 Settlement currency (e.g. SEK, NOK, EUR).
VAT Amount Decimal VAT Amount for the given transaction (e.g 100.00).
VAT Percentage Decimal VAT Percentage for the given transaction.
Date Created ISO 8601 Transaction capture date/time. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
Date Modified ISO 8601 Transaction settle date/time. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
ServiceName string The service used (e.g. Corporate Cards EU).
Provider string The service provider (e.g. Swedbank Pay, PayEx, Swish).
PayExTransactionNo Decimal A unique identifier of the transaction, can be traced in the Merchant Portal user interface.
PayExBatchNo Decimal A batch number common to all types of transactions processed by Swedbank Pay.
Subsite string The Subsite used for transactions, only eligible if merchant uses subsite.
SubsiteDescription string Description of the Subsite, only eligible if merchant uses subsite.
ReferencedTransaction Decimal Transaction number for the authorization transaction for a two-stage transaction, or the number of the debit transaction if it is a credit transaction.
ExternalTransactionReference Decimal The transaction reference from processor.
CreditCardBatchNo Decimal The reference number from the credit card processor.
Description string A textual description of the transaction, as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
ProductCategory string A product number, as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
Sales Channel string The channel through which the transaction was sent to Swedbank Pay (e.g Transaction via eCommerce APIs).
Brand string If eligible, Branding information as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.
Point Of Sale string If eligible, POS information as sent by merchant to Swedbank Pay.


To do the reconciliation, you need to match the information in your system against the information provided by Swedbank Pay in the balance report and transaction list. Below is a sequence diagram detailing the interaction.

Reconciliation Sequence Diagram

    participant SwedbankPay as Swedbank Pay

    activate Merchant
    activate SwedbankPay
    Merchant-->>SwedbankPay: Online payment transactions
    deactivate Merchant

    deactivate SwedbankPay

    activate Merchant

    SwedbankPay->>Merchant: Balance Report (PDF-file)
    note left of Merchant: files are sent by e-mail or file transfer
    SwedbankPay->>Merchant: Transaction list (XLSX-file)
    SwedbankPay->>Merchant: Transaction list (XML-file)
    deactivate Merchant

There are two ways for you to match the information from your system with the information given in the reconciliation files from Swedbank Pay:

  1. You can use information generated by your system (you will have to set a unique payeeReference when you make the transaction), or
  2. You can use the transaction number generated by Swedbank Pay (this is called transaction number and is returned from Swedbank Pay after you have created the transaction).

A credit card transaction is made when you either make a capture or a reversal. In the input data for making a capture, you will set the payeeReference. The unique value of this field is the same as the field called OrderID in the reconciliation file.


    "transaction": {
        "amount": 1500,
        "vatAmount": 0,
        "description": "Test Reversal",
        "payeeReference": "ABC123"

When you receive the response from Swedbank Pay, the response will include transaction.number. This is the same as the field called TransactionNo in the reconciliation file.


    "payment": "/psp/paymentorders/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1",
    "capture": {
        "id": "/psp/paymentorders/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/captures/ec2a9b09-601a-42ae-8e33-a5737e1cf177",
        "transaction": {
            "id": "/psp/paymentorders/payments/7e6cdfc3-1276-44e9-9992-7cf4419750e1/transactions/ec2a9b09-601a-42ae-8e33-a5737e1cf177",
            "created": "2016-09-14T01:01:01.01Z",
            "updated": "2016-09-14T01:01:01.03Z",
            "type": "Capture",
            "state": "Initialized",
            "number": 1234567890,
            "amount": 1500,
            "vatAmount": 250,
            "description": "Test Capture",
            "payeeReference": "ABC123",
            "failedReason": "",
            "isOperational": false,
            "operations": []
  • payeeReference sent to Swedbank Pay is equal to OrderId in the reconciliation file.
  • capture.transaction.number returned from Swedbank Pay is equal to TransactionNo in reconciliation file.

Below you will see the API mapping tables to the fields in the settlement report for Capture and Reversal.


  Swedbank Pay Batch Number SwedbankbatchNo  
transaction.number Transaction Number TransactionNo  
transaction.payeeReference Order id OrderId  
transaction.created Date Created DateCreated  
  Date Modified DateModified  
  Provider Provider  
  Type Type  
transaction.amount Amount Amount  
  Currency Currency  
  Product Number MerchantProductNo  
transaction.description Description Description  
transaction.vatAmount VAT Amount VATAmount  
  VAT Percentage VatoPercentage  
  Credit Card Batch Number CreditCardBatchNo  
  Direct Debit Bank Reference DirectDebitbankRef  
  Reference Reference  
  Swedbank Account Number SwedbankAccountNo  
transaction.number if reversed later Referenced Transaction Number ReferencedTransaction  
  Sales Channel SalesChannel  
  Point Of Sale    


  Swedbank Pay Batch Number SwedbankbatchNo  
transaction.number Transaction Number TransactionNo  
transaction.payeeReference Order id OrderId  
transaction.created Date Created DateCreated  
  Date Modified DateModified  
  Provider Provider  
  Type Type  
transaction.amount Amount Amount  
  Currency Currency  
  Product Number MerchantProductNo  
transaction.description Description Description  
transaction.vatAmount VAT Amount VATAmount  
  VAT Percentage VatoPercentage  
  Credit Card Batch Number CreditCardBatchNo  
  Direct Debit Bank Reference DirectDebitbankRef  
  Reference Reference  
  Swedbank Account Number SwedbankAccountNo  
  Referenced Transaction Number ReferencedTransaction  
  Sales Channel SalesChannel  
  Point Of Sale    

Report Samples

The content of the files depends on the type of agreement you have made with Swedbank Pay. For some payment methods, only option A is available, while for other payment methods, only option B is available. The sample files can be downloaded below. Make sure that you choose the examples from your current version of the balance report (v1 or v2).

V1 Option A: Swedbank Pay Handles The Settlement Process

V1 Option B: You Handle The Settlement Process Yourself

V2 Option A: Swedbank Pay Handles The Settlement Process

V2 Option B: You Handle The Settlement Process Yourself