Optional Features local_gas_station Automated Fuel Dispenser Payments Payments for automated fuel dispensers. arrow_forward lock Age Restrictions Restricting payments to an age limit arrow_forward delete_sweep Delete Token How to delete tokens. arrow_forward dns MOTO Card-based home order (Mail Order / Telephone Order) transactions. arrow_forward touch_app One-Click Payments Prefilling the payment details using payment tokens. arrow_forward document_scanner Integrated Commerce A printable, scannable reference code for payment tracking. arrow_forward article Order Items Information about the order items arrow_forward event Payer Aware Payment Menu A payment menu tailored to the payer. arrow_forward lock Restricted To SSN Restricting payments to a specific Social Security Number (SSN) arrow_forward link Payment Link Sending the payment via mail or SMS. arrow_forward euro_symbol Payout Paying out funds to the consumer’s account. arrow_forward cached Recur Setting up subscriptions and recurring payments. arrow_forward local_shipping Request Delivery Information Request that payment methods return delivery information. arrow_forward report_problem Unscheduled Purchase Setting up subscriptions and merchant initiated payments. arrow_forward verified_user Verify Validating the payer’s payment details. arrow_forward